Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pages in Pink

You know that swap I was talkin' about
in the last post?
I got pages in the mail today from
Halle, of Halle's Hobbies.
She forgot to take pictures before
she sent them off, so intent was she
to get them to me quickly...
so here they are.  Must share
the color fun...

I chose my colors to be 
Hot Pink! and red, and
whatever other bright colors
the artist chose...
I know hot pink isn't everone's
cup of tea, but I am very fond of it!

The cutest house...and the

"Feel the rhythm of home."
Thank you Halle.


  1. AH...I see that I spelled rhythm wrong on the back...oops! Yet another blunder. :) Oh well. So glad you are pleased with the pages!

  2. How sweet. Very nice addition to your tip-in book. I can relate to not remembering to take photos of a project. At least Halle remembered to sign her pages (grin).

  3. lovely pages from Halle ... looks like you all are having another great swap!

    Happy Monday Dianne


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