Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Hobonichi Journal Pages


It appears that we've had a
short Spring and moved directly
into Summer! Almost 80 degrees
Fahrenheit predicted for today
in Ohio!

A quick sketch of some of the 
violets in our yard, before 
mowing must commence.

My Hobonichi is my day planner,
documenting the small moments,
appointments, thoughts, and
life in general.

We were sick for most of the 
month of April, and into May.

Lots of journal pages document
how miserable I felt.
We are slowly on the mend,

but I broke down and went to the 
doctor.  My allergies just would
not let me kick the cough, so had
to get a prescription. I think it's

I am still being faithful to journal
in my little Hobonichi A6 (about 4" x 6")
Some days have quite a bit of writing, 
and some days it is mostly doodling.

Post Proof that I am alive and well,
even though I have neglected this
blog shamefully.  If you are on
Instagram, you can find me there:

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Turkey Tuesday


It is again time to prepare for a 
new year of journaling. 
My 2024 Hobonichi has arrived!

It is always a surprise how 
small my A6 Hobonichi English Planner
starts out in the new year...
no wrinkled pages from
watercolor and pen, no
added thickness from tipped-in
pages or collages. You'd think
I would be used to it by now, 
after eight years using this Planner!

Pictured above, just a month and
a half left to go in the 2023 journal.
The 2024 journal, beneath it, has
"new" Tomoe River paper in it.
From what I can piece together from
on-line articles, a new company has
taken over the TR paper, using
new machinery, and a slightly different
method/recipe. Apparently the old
machinery was just worn out.  I'm 
hoping for a similar result with the 
new paper, but we shall see. Paper
quality does affect the ease/results
of art work quite a bit!

Drawing mushrooms this month for
the Hobonichi Challenge (Instagram)
My Instagram is: 

Even if you are not on Instagram, I believe you
can still view my posts on your computer
at this address, as my profile is Public.
Just click on the link above, and hopefully
my posts will come up.  (Tech challenged
senior here, trying to keep up!)

Also checking in with some old friends today
for T Tuesday,

featuring my mocha coffee in
the photo above. I love this Debbie Mumm
 snowman cup...I use it year-round!
It's a rainy Tuesday here in Ohio today, so
a warm beverage is a plus.

Wishing everyone who celebrates
Thanksgiving this week, a warm
and wonderful day with family
and friends! 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Making a Messy Art Journal

This journal is made from an old book, just the
back and the spine.  No front cover, and the
 pages are not stitched into the cover. 
This makes it easy to remove the 
pamphlet-stitched book to work 
on the pages.  I added a little decorated 
clip to secure the pages.

Fun painted paper scraps and
bits of vintage stitching...

Made in a workshop offered on-line
by @raspberrybluesky, Michelle
Schratz, @Robenmariesmith,
Sara Strandquist @seesarastitch,
and Leaca Young @leacayoungart.

This is one of four journals taught
in the class. Enjoyed it very much, and
 unique approaches to creating
art journals are presented.

It's not like I really need more art journals,
but they're so fun to make!

Painted and doodled papers
are easily found around here...

I had to include some of my Mom's
drawings (these are copies)
from the early 1950's.

This journal style encouraged loose
and messy stitching, which is not
what I'm used to as a stitcher, but
the artist in me rather enjoys 
dangling threads and not worrying
about perfection.

I'm still journaling daily in my
little Hobonichi A6. Doodling and
documenting my every-day activities.
These days it's a trip to the store or
to our parents' to help out. Not a 
lot of excitement around here.
But so glad to see Spring arrive here
in Ohio! 

I'm so rusty at blogging, and really
find the Blogger process unwieldy after 
using Instagram. But thought I should
check-in and share some colorful
pages!  Hope you enjoy some sunshine
and art today!

Please visit me on Instagram at 


Sunday, July 24, 2022

I'm Still Journaling Daily


 I've also been doing the Index Card a Day

Challenge created by Daisy Yellow.  Here are

some of last week's:

It's been abnormally busy for us the last couple of weeks! Lots of family adventures.
- Went on the Donut Trail in Butler County, OH. We visited 10 Donut shops in 2 days!
-Visited the Dayton Air Force Museum
- Son and his family visited for a week, and our son painted our house! 
- Lots of good meals with friends and family
- Trees were cut down and wood stacked
-Back to school shopping
- Games and puzzles were enjoyed
-Time with Art Buddies
-A good report at the Doctor's office
- Cutting up branches downed in our yard from storms
- Journaling and sketching
- Helped put up gutters and downspouts in 90 degree F temps and survived without injuries! (there may have been some crankiness, and some bandaids applied,but that's understandable) and LOTS of soreness...
- A nice dip in a swimming pool, and yummy pizza
- Today I'm picking up peaches from The Peach Truck, so we will be having "peach everything" for a couple of weeks

Whew! Still plenty of things to work on around the house, but I think the predicted rain may give us some time to rest. But Laundry. It's never ending...

Below, find a link to a short video of some of my Hobonichi pages.  Hope I did this correctly and you can access it! 


Still over here journaling and drawing

every day...

...and stitching.

I hope your summer has been going well,

and you're staying cool!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Happy Holidays 2021

 I had some serious catching up to do in my journal after our Christmas guests left.

Doodling of animals happened...that lil' guy on the right is supposed to be a meercat.

And I do enjoy a Byzantine angel.  It occurs to me that the shading of the wings was the 13th century version of what we now call hombre coloring! 

Above, a snapshot of a drawing of my son's family, at his request. Left to right:

Internet/Gaming troll (grandson) Yes, he's taller than his dad.

Garden Gnome (our son)

Laundry Fairy (DIL)

Galaxy Princess (granddaughter)

I think they liked it. My son said I needed to make him look younger...lol.

The Christmas tree is still up, and will be at least until mid January. That's the plan anyway.

I got another smaller tree this year for my stitched Santas. I love it. It might end up being a seasonal tree that stays up all year. We will see. 

Best wishes and Peace to you. Here's hoping that 2022 will be an improvement over the last two years.

You can see more of my journals on Instagram

Monday, December 20, 2021

Holiday Greetings


Sharing a few December doodles from my Hobonichi A6. It is small in size (about 4"x6") so the drawings are within that format.

Gnomes seem to be quite popular these days. I see them everywhere, not just in gardens!

The journal holds the records of our days plans, activities, and random thoughts. Nothing too profound...

Baking cookies, wrapping gifts, traveling and visiting. December is a busy time! Add in illness, car repairs, and preparation for guests, and before you know it, Christmas has sneaked up on you.

It only took me about 8 hours to decorate our Christmas tree...

Did you spot any coffee cups on my pages? It's kind of a daily ritual to doodle my coffee or tea, and my toast or other breakfast. I do try to journal every day. I recommend you give it a try!


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Story of My Life

A revisit of the journal page style that
I've used quite a lot over the years:
watercolor background, acrylic paints, collage
and mark-making on the borders. I 
like to juxtapose colors and texture.
Then combine with a quote that I like.

Hobonichi pages, not in order, of our 
daily happenings.  Sometimes the colorful
painted papers cover personal things 
that I don't want to share. Other times they
are just there as a border or for color.

Yes, I even talk to myself and remind
myself in these pages what I need to do
to have a better health check-up next time.
I've gained weight over the Pandemic.
Anyone else?

I tend to draw a coffee cup on most
every page...

and lots of doodles.

Mostly daily uninteresting stuff...

but also enjoying the ability to get out
and do some things that we've missed
over the last few months.

Hope you've had the opportunity to 
spend time with people you love,
and maybe even enjoy an 
ice-cream cone!
Thanks for stopping by!


You can also see my art work on Instagram