Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Beach Techo Drawings

Drawing moving water is a 
challenge, but I keep trying.
Love the sound of waves
On the beach.

Attempting to link up via
mobile device for T Tuesday...
join us for a beverage!



  1. Lovely journal pages as always. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Looking at your pages it looks like you are having the most wonderful time! I love the sound of the sea and you have captured the movement of the waves beautifully! The white sand and turquoise sea are so beautiful and how wonderful to see pelicans fishing :-). Happy T Day! J :-)

  3. Would love to be on the beach now... inspiring as always!
    Happy T-Day Dianne

  4. a beautiful seaside page Dianne, and I can just close my eyes and smell that ocean and hear the waves:) Happy T day!

  5. Hi Your waves are great-loving your journal pages-Happy T Day

  6. Wonderful detailed journal pages.
    Happy T Day
    Yvonne xx

  7. Looks as though you are having a great time! Your drawings are fabulous! Happy T day! Chrisx

  8. You must be away enjoying the sun and warmth. :) If not, your journal really looks like you are. Hope you are and having a fabulous time. Hugs-Erika

  9. Love seeing your journal Dianne!! and all its beachy goodness!! Hugs! deb

  10. I feel horrible that it has taken me so long to visit. I'm not a very good host this week, and for that I apologize. I hope you are having a good time. It looks like the link and the photos were successful, too. It's a good thing you didn't need me to do it, because it would be too late for others to see your incredible beach scenes on Tuesday.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely mug and your incredibly impressive beach drawings with us for T this Tuesday (and yes, it's still Tuesday here).

  11. Looks like you nailed it for painting the water AND using your mobile device to post Dianne!
    Lovely journal pages as always.
    Enjoy * Enjoy
    Happy March oxo

  12. love your painting of the shore... and i really like These separating line doodles between your entries!
    happy spring!!

  13. Dianne, I am your fan. Love your pages and your drawings are amazing!Happy belated T Day!


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