2009, collage on recycled cardboard, above.
Scraps of painted papers & cardstock,
hand-carved stamping, acrylic paint,
Sharpie drawing over pieced collage.

2009, Collage on recycled cardboard, above.
Cardboard cut into profile shape and collaged.
Watercolors, scrapbook papers,
hand-carved stamps, magazine words,
negative & positive shapes utilized.

2008 "Flower & Face"
acrylic paint, painted cardstock, fabric,
sticker, hand-carved stamps,
magazine image, in my
art journal.

2008 pen sketch
after DaVinci...
"Why does the eye see a thing
more clearly in dreams
than the imagination when awake?"

2003 matte acrylic painting from
a magazine photograph of
a Mayan sculpture & glyphs--
in my art journal.

of a Mayan artifact that was
carved from bone.
"In painting or anything, you cannot have hate. If you have hate, you destroy the picture and yourself. You can have hunger, you can have thirst, you can have great feeling for texture, you can be sensitive to touch, you can be sensitive to color, but for the head you've got to be sensitive to love. Otherwise it will not work...Now, that love won't change the shape, but it will add something...this radiates out from the person...it's in the air between myself and the object I'm looking at."
- Ivan Albright, painter