Here is a sketch done in 2004, reborn as a watercolor (and acrylic) in 2009. This celebrates the visit of a very sweet little girl who took some old roses ( I should have thrown them away before my visitors arrived...they were pretty wilted) and removed all the petals to make "rose petal soup!" I thought perhaps she had read it in a story but turns out it was her own creative recipe. I gave her a bowl and a spoon and she had a great time stirring her "soup" and feeding it to her baby doll. She played with triangular wooden blocks and dolls and whatever she could find around here. I recently enjoyed seeing her again at a mutual friend's party and it reminded me of the sketch I had done but not quite finished. So I located the drawing in one of my sketchbooks and used
watercolors and acrylics to finish it.
This is downright gorgeous. The back story is really fun to read about and brings the entire piece to life.