Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Techo Tuesday

A quick post to say hello to my
T Tuesday friends, and share
a cup of coffee and some doodles...

These pages follow my hubby's
week-long stay in the hospital.
He's doing fine now, but had a
very uncomfortable several 
days stay. So glad to go home
and get back to a 'semblance'
of normal! More doctor's 
appointments and tests will be in
our future, but expect him to
fully recover. Now off to a
doctor's appointment this a.m.
so  I will be back to visit the
 T Tuesday gang a bit later.


  1. Hope your hubby continues to recover well-especially now that he's home. Wonderful doodles and drawings -love the darling bunnies:) Happy T day and a happy Thanksgiving too!

  2. Keeping you and your hubby in my thoughts this Holiday... Glad things are going well and wishing they continue that way.. Love your Art Journal pages... I think i love them so much because i think yours is the style i would like to do if i made an Art Journal... A mixture of art and writing... I still may do it one day... :) Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  3. I like the 'broken crayons' quote! Hope your husband will soon be really recovered, I am sure he will feel better at home. Take care of yourself, hugs, Valerie

  4. Goodness, Dianne. I had NO idea about your husband. So sorry to read about it. At least there is good news on the horizon. Hope he is well enough to enjoy Thanksgiving.

    Thanks for sharing your coffee and your fun and funny broken crayon art with us for T this Tuesday. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, too.

  5. Hope you hubby is better soon, it must be so nice to have him home again! Your jounral pages are beautiful as always, I love your little rabbit saying hello and the pretzel and pear embellishments are very cute :-). Wishing you and your hubby well and have a Happy T Day! J :-)

  6. It's so gladdening to get good dr reports! Congrats to him on his continuing recovery :) Happy T Day

  7. Hope your husband is well on the road to recovering.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne x

  8. Nice artwork. I hope your husband gets well soon

    Happt T day to you

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. I'm sorry to hear your hubby has been ill. But he is recovering by the sounds of it and enjoying playing Minecraft.
    I love reading your journal and looking at your little doodles.
    Happy T-Day,

  10. Sorry to hear about hubby and pleased to know that he is on the mend! Love your drawing and the fun quote! As always I love seeing your pages! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. My hubby just spent a week in the hospital with some heart surgery. I an relate to what you have been going through. Hope the hubby is improving quickly. And as always, I love to see your journaling. Hugs-Erika

  12. good you find the time to write and doodle anyway... all the best for the recovery of your husband!

  13. Love your pages!So adorable! I am glad your husband is on the mendd at home my friend.Everything will be fine from now on. Much love,happy belated t-day!


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