I have been tagged by my friend Elizabeth K. Her blog is
I was also tagged by my friend Linda K. Her blog is
Here are the official rules…
Link to the person who tagged you.
Mention the rules.
Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
Tag five other bloggers by linking to them.
Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged.
Five people I am tagging are:
- Linda at
http://my-littlebit.blogspot.com/ - Pamela at
http://pemohon.blogspot.com/ - Elizabeth G. at http://thelastdoordownthehall.blogspot.com/
- Inge in Belgium at
http://web.me.com/pinkepinke - Darlene at http://blanchesdaughter.blogspot.com/
And now for the Six Quirky Things About Me:
6. It's easier for me to draw something myself than to try to figure out how to do it on the computer.
5. I like to drink my coffee with chocolate in it.
4. I rarely leave the house without earrings...I think naked pierced ears are unattractive.
3. My car keys get lost at least once a week!
2. I tend to use an odd number of elements in my collages. I am not big on symmetrical composition--I prefer asymmetrical.
1. My favorite artist is Michelangelo.
**I am having technical difficulties getting Inge's link correct. When you click on the link, for some reason http://web.me.com/pinkepinke/pinkepinke/blog/blog.html comes up automatically, then an error message. Remove the second /pinkepinke/blog/blog.html from the address and you should be able to reach Inge's Welcome site. I don't know what I'm doing wrong...sorry for the inconvenience. **