Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hobonichi Techo Illustrations

Illustrations in my Hobonichi Techo
are mostly about my day...including
the fact that I gotta have that
morning coffee to feel human!

Linking up with the Altered Book Lover
blog today for T Tuesday, when we have
a chat over a beverage, and see what 
other bloggers are doing. Click on the 
link to visit the blog hop!

Quote stolen (like an artist) from Pinterest!

Lots of images today, so I won't add
much commentary...

I love finding vintage stuff at
any thrift store!

Sorry for the wonky scan...
you can click on the image to
enlarge.  I had several days running
of madly working on favors for a
women's retreat, just to get them
done in time.

Even a bit of painted fabric
can go into my Hobonichi. I think this
one will be even chunkier than 
last year's!

When I don't have much to write,
the doodles can get elaborate!

The apple blossoms were
so beautiful!

I learned to run a chain saw.  I suspect
the electric one we bought is easier
to manage than one powered by
gasoline. And it can be safely stored
in our basement. I was pretty sore
the next day, and still more to do.
Little steps...

I've also been creating a Fake Journal
this month. Stop by
to see who my character is.

What about you, what are you up to?

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Details Matter

Drawing done in Sharpie extra fine pen
for my Fake Journal 2017.
Your can see more of this year's
posts and art work at

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Techo Tuesday: Coffee and Plants

Recurring themes in my Hobonichi seem
to be coffee, plants, and food...

with maybe some monsters and
quotes thrown in!

It's challenging to keep up with my
Hobonichi this month, as I am also
doing the Fake Journal project too.
I do a drawing every day, in character
with whatever fake identity I chose.
to see what I've done so far this month,
and try to guess my identity!

Thankful for the cheerful, pretty flowers
my hubby bought for me, and for
warming temperatures and sunshine!

Now we need to get busy picking up sticks
and removing this 'little' project from 
our yard. It's a bit soggy out there
right now, but we'll do a little bit
at a time. What's your latest project?

Linking up to T Tuesday over at 
Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog...
stop by for a beverage and a chat!