Sunday, May 24, 2009

Collage Books for Graduates

This is what I've been working on for the last 2 weeks--
collage books for graduates. "Success" is for a niece graduating
from high school. I found these great
tag books at Big Lots with covers already
decorated, and I added more elements.

Inside pages were plain cardstock,
which I covered with scrapbook paper,
added quotes & random advice,
and embellished.

This book (below) is for a nephew receiving
his associate's degree from a
local technical college.
It is harder for me to create things
with a "masculine" look,
can't use flowers and sparkles!

Found some great quotes about
fishing, which he likes...and he
likes a good joke, too...

The 'Celebrate' book (below) was created for another niece
graduating from high school. Little tag
in a 'library card' style pocket in the back
with congratulations message & fibers.
Little envelopes in the back of each book
for a cash gift...

Three books down and one to go...
I still have a book to make for a
college graduate...
Congratulations to all the graduates this spring!
"What lies behind us
and what lies before us
are tiny matters
compared to
what lies within us."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. What a wonderful gift Dianne.

  2. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm happy to found yours :) Your collage books look great - what a nice idea.

  3. What lovely collage books. Your gifts will be a forever keepsake and will be of great value to the grads!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog Dianne. What a great community we have!
    Take care.

  4. These books are simply gorgeous. I know the grads will appreciate them, because you put so much thought and heART into them.


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