Thursday, August 1, 2019

Paper and Paint

This is the result (above) of a doctor's visit.
You know the little gowns they give you to put on
for a 'physical?'  This one was like paper towel.
In my defense, when left unsupervised, I can
usually entertain myself with a pen and paper.
yes, I drew on the hem of the paper gown.
But this paper was more like paper towel, so I
had to be careful not to punch the pen right 
through it.  The time spent waiting on the exam
table went much faster, and i was able to ignore
the chill of the room while I waited. No unusual 
problems (except the relative eccentricities of an artist)
just having to do a regular 'check-in'.  The Physician's
Assistant asked if she could have it. Wonder if it
will end up on the Break Room bulletin board?

In other news, our son and daughter-in-law 
purchased their first house, and we went to help
them paint rooms before they moved in. I don't
usually show photos of myself, but I was rather
proud of  managing the above space. This
is me painting in the niche above the fireplace.
I believe a television goes there. It was just deep
enough that I couldn't reach it from a ladder...
Since I have a fairly steady hand, I "got to" paint
around most of the trim!

On the way home, this is our first traffic jam encounter.
There were several traffic jams that day, but at
 least in this instance we got to see
 the reason that traffic was backed up.  It appears
that a refrigerated semi caught fire. You can see the
charred front end of the trailer, and the burned
musk melons being scooped up. The smell of
burned musk melons was quite unique and
pretty nasty.  Won't soon forget it!

I've been to a couple of different Planner Events
over the summer.  Picture a room full of people
(in this case 200) who all love journaling and working
in Planners.  Most don't draw, but they do love
 stickers and stamping and ink and washi tape. 
My kind of people.

Since the theme of the event was flamingos, I
did a page of black and white doodles and had
copies made. Then I painted the copies and
cut them out.  Fun to give to attendees that
I met.  So much swag was given out, and I met
wonderful, fun people!

It's been a busy summer, with lots of ups and
downs.  Mower repair, chauffeuring parents to 
appointments, road trips with traffic jams. 
And journaling...always.
Hope all my blogging friends are
keeping well and enjoying life. 
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wow! Good job you didn't have too long to wait - you would have had to remove it to do the back!!! :-)) I can't imagine the smell of burnt melons but what an awful thing to happen! I love the idea of a planner event - love those flamingoes! Your journal page looks fabulous - as ever!! Enjoy the rest of the Summer! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. What a nice update Dianne. Loved seeing you in a pic for a change. Bet you made the nurses' day with your artwork! I doodle on stuff too. Had nearly covered the front of a manila folder sometime ago and my tax person called someone else into her office to see it! What seems like such a natural thing for us to do seems to be amazing to others who don't draw at all, I guess. Have a great month!

  3. I have NO idea how I missed this. What a wonderful post and I finally got to "meet" you, not just your beautiful drawing. You obviously were the right person for the job.

    I laughed at your drawing on your dressing gown. You LOVE to doodle and this made me smile. I bet it did the PA, too.

    I've read that scent lasts in our brains longer than anything else. The scent of musk melons burning will last you a lifetime, I fear.

    Your swag boxes were incredible. WOW. I would have LOVED to be the recipient. When did planners overtake journals and calendars? I'm in AWE. Love Janis and the VW Bus. And of course, the flamingos, too.


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