Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pastel Heart Ornaments

Pastel Heart Ornaments-

Materials Needed:

Scrap paper or cardstock to create pattern

Scissors - (NOTE-it's best to have sewing scissors & paper

scissors kept for separate use. cutting paper rapidly dulls scissors & will chew up fabric!)

Fabric for hearts-(I used mint green & light pink)

Needle & Thread

Polyester fiberfil

Lace scraps

Ribbon-coordinating colors & various widths


Seed beads

Fabric with flower designs in the print

Narrow ribbon for hanger


Create a pattern for the heart by folding paper or cardstock in half, and cutting out half of a heart-shape. Open paper for your pattern. I made a tall narrow heart for my ornaments.

Place the pattern on the wrong side of doubled fabric (with the right sides facing to the center) and trace around pattern in pencil.

Cut 1/4 inch outside of traced line.

Sew on pencil line, leaving a one to one & half inch opening for turning. Clip curved seam allowances, and trim bottom point of heart close to stitching to ease turning right side out. Turn heart right side out.

(I sewed my hearts by hand, but you could use the machine & it would be faster)

Stuff with fiberfill & slip stitch opening closed.

Decorate one side of the heart to be the front. Hand-stitch & Embellish with pieces of lace, cross-stitch remnants, flowers cut from printed fabric, buttons, seed beads or whatever you have on hand that goes with your colors.

I sewed my embellishments by hand, but you could also use hot-glue gun or craft glue.

I sewed beads, buttons & bows on last. Add a ribbon hangar to the back of the ornament, making sure it is centered to hang evenly.

Sign the back of the ornament and write the year in a permanent fabric marker. This is nice when the recipient may receive an ornament from you several years running.

(Paper images & embellishments could be glued on since these are Christmas ornaments & will not need to be laundered, though acid-free would be best.)

These could also be year-round decorations, hung from drawer pulls or cupboard handles, or as sachets if you use scent in the stuffing.


  1. Dianne,

    You wrote a wonderful tutorial. It was so full of relevant information and easy to read instructions. I love the hearts, and the tutorial is tops on my list.


  2. the hearts are real sweet treasures !

    Nicely made and thanks for the tutorial !



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